Monday, September 1, 2008

Andy Roddick

Andy Roddick
Age: 26
Sport: Tennis
Glad to see that he's feeling more comfortable with his chest hair.

Alexander Popov

Alexander Popov
Age: 36

Sport: Swimming - retired
Former faster man in the water (and his bulge).

Tony Azevedo

Tony Azevedo
Age: 26
Sport: Water Polo
Water polo master.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Nicolas Almagro

Nicolas Almagro
Age: 23
Sport: Tennis

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sergio Garcia - Golf

Sergio Garcia
Age: 28
Sport: Golf
Sergio and his tight body (and clothes) are the hottest combo on the PGA Tour.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jordan Jovtchev - Gymnastics

Jordan Jovtchev
Age: 35
Sport: Gymnastics
Hot daddy in the making.

Marian Dragulescu - Gymnastics

Marian Dragulescu
Age: 27
Sport: Gymnastics
Hot Romanian gymnast. And another hot parallel bars pic.

Mark Ruiz - Diving

Mark Ruiz
Age: 29
Sport: Diving
Missed the Olympics this year - he was always one of my favorite divers.

Alexandre Despatie - Diving

Alexandre Despatie
Age: 23
Sport: Diving
One of the biggest packages in diving.

Lebron James - Basketball

Lebron James
Age: 23

Sport: Basketball
Love a hot basketball player with some fuzz on his chest.